Thursday, June 30, 2011



   for her and for him capture a sense of mystery and intrigue, a simplicity and purity that disarms the senses; they are both enigmatic and intoxicating. The essence of modern sophistication, they are created to complete one another, just as the menswear and womenswear collections are designed to complete one another.

                Narciso Rodriguez’ own signature scent, Egyptian musk serves as the heart and soul of for her and for him and yet inspires two distinct fragrances. Created by one designer, one workshop, one thought process and one discerning aesthetic, for her and for him represent a provocative play of purity, a synchrony of density, texture and scent. Narciso Rodriguez highlights elements that are most significant to him about both sexes: a youthful vitality that endures, a simple elegance and a strength that co-exists with vulnerability.

                The bottles are originally inspired by ancient Chinese snuff bottles transformed by the signature process of painting from within that creates a light infused graphic translucence. The result is a work of pure form and function, two most distinctive fragrances contained within equally distinctive bottles, works of precision from a true perfectionist. Narciso Rodriguez believes there must be an inherent logic and beauty to everything he creates.

                Says the designer: “You can’t forsake style for function or function for style, and both are essential in the quest for beauty.”

for her

                The woman who wears for her embodies a new femininity that is powerful and singular, a femininity that celebrates a woman whose inherent sensuality and natural grace resonates from within.

                for her defines modern femininity and provides an intimacy that is intoxicating. Composed of a rare musk and a blend of floral, amber and woody pulsations, it is an emotional fragrance based on intuition that captures the essence of real women and embodies true elegance. A measure of Narciso Rodriguez’ love for all women, a gift to honor all women.

for him

                 With the creation of for him, Narciso Rodriguez celebrates the dual nature of today’s masculinity. The man who wears for him is complex and dynamic. There’s no distinction between who he is and how he appears, just as there’s a balance between sensuality and elegance, strength and vulnerability. The for him man is self-aware, thus naturally assertive and charismatic, leaving no one indifferent.

                for him is a smart fragrance. Composed of a heart of musks amplified by three facets: violet, woody and amber. for him is raw and natural, yet strong and sexy. More than anything, for him captures the essence of mystery and it’s timeless because it’s about now and the future. 
                                                               parfums narciso rodriguez

      JUNE 28, 2011  "MEDIA LAUNCH"

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