Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Iza Calzado tapped as Haribon Foundation’s Ambassador

Iza Calzado tapped as Haribon Foundation’s Ambassador

Haribon Foundation, the country’s pioneer environmental organization, has tapped multi – awarded artist, Iza Calzado, to become one of its ambassadors, tagged as Haribon Ambassadors for Conservation (HAC). Iza joins Haribon’s roster of celebrity ambassadors in its vision of taking the lead in caring for nature with people – for the people.
The organization hopes that with Iza’s help, Haribon’s advocacy will be embraced by more Filipinos thru donations, membership and volunteer sign – ups, and generate support for ROAD to 2020, Haribon’s flagship campaign, a movement committed to restore one million  hectares of rainforests by year 2020. ROAD stands for Rainforestation Organizations and Advocates.
According to Maria Belinda E. de la Paz, Haribon’s Officer in Charge, “Iza is the perfect example to all in pursuing biodiversity conservation, and taking action to improve the country’s natural resources”.
Although Iza has heard of Haribon Foundation in the past, it was this year that she became officially a member of Haribon Foundation.

I became interested in Haribon this year and since I've began to pursue a more active lifestyle, Haribon's activities are in line with the shift in my lifestyle. It is also a great way for me to encourage people to be more active, help the environment and prevent extreme damage caused by calamities by preserving our natural habitat to the best of our abilities”, Iza shared.
Iza follows Haribon on Twitter and Facebook to keep her updated with the organization’s goings-on.
Calzado is one of the most sought actresses and endorsers; she normally gets invitations from different organizations seeking her endorsement, but Iza admitted that Haribon was something that truly excites her, and she is very much eager to do her part.

Added Iza, “I think it is time that we do our share in raising awareness, and educating them on how we could bring back our forests. I hope to contribute a little something to Haribon Foundation”.
Iza and Haribon hope to produce more green champions for the environment; dedicated and committed individuals advocating the protection and conservation of the environment. 

APRIL 21, 2013  "MEDIA LAUNCH" at CCP 

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