Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Photographer's Organization in Philippine Entertainment (POPE, Inc.) CHRISTMAS PARTY 2015




Our 5th Christmas Party last December 22, 2015

The new set officers of Photographer's Organization in Philippine Entertainment (POPE, Inc.)

President: Allan Sancon
Vice President: Darius Navida
Secretary: Mark Louie Atienza
Treasurer:Nimfa Fajardo Chua

Auditor: Ver Paulino
P.R.O: Fernan Sucalit and Robert Ryan Lopez Ramos
Sgt. at Arms: Vic Eyatid

Board of Directors:
Wilson ChuaBoy BorjaRenato B Lu, Enie Reyes and Sany Chua.
The new set of officers would like to take this opportunity to thank our previous officers especially our past President Noel Orsal, Vice Presidents Wilson Chua and Sany Chua for 5 years of good services to POPE, Inc. We are hoping for your continues support in our forthcoming activities and plans.